The core activity of the ADRILINK project, participatory workshops that brought together all relevant stakeholders from the municipality of Mošćenička Draga, continued during October and December 2022.

At the second workshop, a map of the landscape areas of the municipality of Mošćenička Draga was presented to participants. Feedback from local stakeholders were received and were used for the design of interpretation and valorization tools of the landscape intended for domestic and foreign visitors. It was pointed out that Mošćenička Draga tourism is based on landscape values. The aim is to highlight areas that have not necessarily been the focus of interest so far. For the first time, the landscape was divided on the basis of the landscape base into types and areas. Types refer to parts and regions with similar characteristics, while areas are determined by the geographical environment, cultural and historical values ​​and visual criteria. In total 8 types and 21 areas were identified.

The landscape map of the area presented the basis for further elaboration of landscape thematic itineraries that would guide visitors along the paths of the high-quality landscape heritage of the area. Based on the data collected so far, external collaborators have prepared proposals for a total of 8 thematic trails. At the workshop, the basis was presented to the participants, after which the participants through a guided discussion gave suggestions for the adaptation and improvement of thematic trails. A total of two bicycles and 6 hiking trails have been designed.

A workshop with similar content was repeated in December but then brought together the younger generations to gather opinions and suggestions from various groups and adapt the content to the wider community. The workshop was a joint effort of two partners of the municipality of Mošćenička Draga and the Tourist Board of Vrsar. The workshop was attended by undergraduate students of Culture and Tourism at the University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula. The first part was intended for a brief comparison of the two project areas and a presentation of the project. The discussion spontaneously led to the second part of the workshop program – the use of modern technologies in landscape promotion. Students believe that certain existing technologies can attract young people. Geo-catching is cited as an example, and students also believe that applications such as AR and VR, by creating additional digital content in space, can contribute to the attractiveness of landscape interpretation.