The Municipality of Mošćenička Draga held a series of public events to introduce the public to the concept and values of the landscape for the purpose of tourism development.

During May and June 2021, the Municipality of Mošćenička Draga in cooperation with the stakeholder Ecomuseum Mošćenička Draga organized a series of events whose purpose was to acquaint locals and visitors with the concept and values of the landscape for the purpose of tourism development. The aim was also to get valuable feedback on how locals and the public see the landscape of the municipality of Mošćenička Draga and what its special strengths are and how to strengthen the values and recognizability of the landscape.

Landscape Days began with the Trebišća Open Days, event dedicated to the mythical landscape on the slopes of the Učka mountain. The mythical park in TrebišćA is a unique cultural landscape in which Proto-Slavic and Slavic beliefs and narrative traditions have their scene. The event aroused great public interest and over 200 visitors visited the site.

Other events included a tour of the small historic towns of Mošćenice and Brseč, for which the municipality is very famous. The towns date back to prehistoric home, which was the reason why events put the prehistoric heritage in focus. This motivated us to take visitors also to visit the prehistoric site of Vela Ozida, which is located on a hill above Brseč.

The main day was held on June 20th, when we gathered the public and professional associates. The event began in the morning with a round table discussion on the landscape of the municipality. In the evening program presentation of landscape was held in the center of Mošćenička Draga for the visitors. Evening program was accompanied by an entertaining – cultural and gastronomic program in order to bring the landscape of the municipality closer to the participants in an interesting and interactive way. The most interest was aroused by the photo competition for the selection of the best landscape photographs of the municipality.

The impressions of the visitors were very positive. The events led to the conclusion that the public is very interested in visiting the municipality. The critical input is that the public is familiar only with the most famous facilities for which the municipality is known, such as Brseč, Mošćenice and beaches, and that there are many more elements in the landscape that can be used more efficiently to create additional tourist facilities.