The 2nd Transnational Conference on Landscape and Sustainable Tourism took place in Vrsar (Croatia) on Thursday, 7 April 2022 organized by Vrsar Tourist Board with the contributions of the project partners. The conference named “Digital solutions and management models for Landscape Interpretation Centers“ explored the possibilities of different management models for Landscape Interpretation Centers and showed different digital solutions for multimedia interpretation.

Klara Trošt Lesić, director of Vrsar Tourist Board and Marco Cardinaletti representative of the Lead Partner opened the conference.  At the very beginning of the conference, Mr Marco Cardinaletti and Ms Tea Štifanić presented and discussed the Transnational Protocol of Cooperation to the partners and the present audience. The objective of the Protocol is to ensure the continuity of the transnational and multi-stakeholder dynamic of cooperation initiated by the ADRILINK project, financed by the European Program Interreg Adrion. The Protocol will be signed during the event in Jesi (Autumn 2022). The first part of the program hosted three speakers on the topic of integrated and digital solutions for interpretation models:







Helena Pola from Association “Istarsko” – Eco-museum Vodnjan” presented a good example of Participative & Inte

grated model for a sustainable landscape tourism approach: the Eco-museum „Istrian de Dignan“. The Eco-museum „Istrian de Dignan“ is a good practice for integrated sustainable tourism mode. It was established to improve the local quality of life, promoting the values of cooperation, work and solidarity between the members and the local community. The sense of belonging, the care taken to protect the most ancient traditions and the strenuous search for quality, are sources of its inspiration. The Ecomuseum members are developing projects to satisfy the local needs and to valorise the underused resources at the global level. The development of the territory and the revitalization of the material and immaterial rural culture are being achieved through an ethical approach and particular attention to the social integration of disadvantaged groups. The association is a meeting point for people from all around the World, sharing the will of developing a better society and enjoy nature!

Darian Škarica from Delta Reality presented different AR, VR, MR solutions for interpretation centres by Visualia and Delta Reality. VR – virtual reality = Vr glasses, you don’t see anything from the real world, only the virtual world AR – augmented reality = Most used in smartphones, you can see the world around you and some digital objects. Mix reality = taking the best from VR and AR. You see the reality around you and the digital reality that are overlapping.

Miha Filipič, RPS d.o.o., Delavnica nemogoče: Multimedia solutions for landscape interpretation To interpret Landscape is important to involve and use all senses.

Here are examples that Delavnica nemogoče put in place: Postojna Cave, Lipikum, Moja Ljubljanica, Expano (Holograms in the natural habitat, water barrier, Example 5. The infinity room, Vulkanija (in Goričko region, Slovenia): Vulcano cart that moves from the ground, WWI Museum – combine digital media and space, Čebelarjev muzej. An actual beehive. Digital media + physical interactions. Not only tablets but also a lot of things to touch, EMONA: created in a passage between parking and a square in Ljubljana

In the second part of the program, the project partners presented their ideas for the Landscape Interpretation Centres to the audience.








The afternoon part of the conference was onsite lectures and visits to good examples of management models of centres of the diffused museum. The conference participants visited the Morosini Grimani Castle interactive digital exhibit focused on the middle ages and met the manager of the castle Natalija Ladavac, Savičenta d.o.o. and the representatives of the city that started the reconstruction of the castle and the project “Kulterra”  The study visit continued to Rovinj to the Interpretation Centre “Ekomuzej Batana”. The centre was being prepared to open its new exhibition where the former director of the Center Tamara Nikolić Đerić, Batana Eco-museum explained the first non-governmental model (NGO) of management of the organization, its positive and negative aspects and the current transition the centre is making to become a body of public law.  The study visit finished in the “Spacio” one part of the Ekumuzeum Batana circuit that valorizes and promotes traditional local recipes that are a result of the landscape and the man’s adaptation to its conditions.