On 4 June 2021, the second Adrilink Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network LINK LAB workshop for tourism associates was held on Salas Isailova by the Turistička organizacija Grada Sremska Mitrovica, with the support of the City Administration of Sremska Mitrovica. Along with experienced and highly motivated lecturers in the field of tourism, design and landscape management, participants had the opportunity to hear and learn through the analysis of cultural and natural heritage landscapes in Sremska Mitrovica and their use in creating tourist itineraries. culture and tourism for the success of one route / destination.
This workshop was an opportunity to remind participants of the natural and cultural resources located in the city, with special emphasis on the potential of ancient Sirmium, Zasavica Special Nature Reserve, Fruška gora and nautical and rural tourism as a basis for developing the tourist offer.