On 18th November 2021 the conference entitled “Landscape and Sustainable Tourism” took place within the framework of the Interreg ADRION – ADRILINK project. The event was organized by CORILA and hosted by the Iuav University of Venice in Venice, and was attended by all project partners. The conference investigated the concept of landscape and its social, economic, cultural and ecological approaches, as well as exploring models and tools for an integrated landscape interpretation strategy for sustainable tourism through 3 thematic sessions:

– SESSION 1: Landscape and sustainable tourism

– SESSION 2: Management tools and models to support Landscape Interpretation Centres

– SESSION 3: Elements for an integrated landscape interpretation strategy for sustainable tourism

The aim of the conference was to explore the possibility to carry on a new interpretation of landscape useful to promote new forms of integrated and sustainable tourism, according to the EU efforts in terms of integration and social and economic sustainability in time. In the scope of the Plenary Conference, Dr.Eng. Pieparolo Campostrini, director of CORILA, have greeted and thanked the participants and introduced the conference starting from the concept of Landscape and the importance of its interpretation. Followed the intervention of Dr. Filippo Magni, professor at the University Iuav of Venice and expert on Landscape, integration and sustainable tourism, especially in coastal areas. Finally, Dr. Marco Cardinaletti, project manager at Eurocube and manager of the Adrilink Project, described the project, starting from its conception through the different phases and activities that make it up.

After this introductory part, the conference was divided into three main sessions. The first session aimed at describing and discussing the concept of landscape, landscape interpretation and the existing and potential relationships between landscape and sustainable tourism. The speakers that were involved in this session were: Prof. Francesc Munoz from the Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Manuela Hrvatin from the association Intrepret Europe and part of Istra Inspirit network and Dr. Alessio Re from Fondazione Santagata. At the end of the first session, a Roundtable involving all the project partners have been organized. One representative per partner was asked to respond to the following questions by briefly describing key points that are emerging in their pilot areas.

The second session was mainly oriented to show and explore tools, models and practices useful to support the development and temporal sustainability of the Landscape Interpretation Centres LICs. The speakers involved were: Manuela Hrvatin, Valentina Vujinic from the Municipality of Gradiska, and Daniele Bursich founder of 7emezzo.biz.

The third session was defined to show existing practices and virtuosos examples of landscape interpretation and elements for a strategy-oriented at integrating landscape promotion and sustainable tourism. The speakers involved were: Daniele Ietri, geographer and professor at the University of Bolzano,  Tadej Pirc, from the Development Centre of Murska Sobota (Slovenia) and Prof. Massimo Sargolini, ordinary professor of urbanism at the University of Camerino.